The sun is shining so brightly through my office window I can hardly see the screen on this computer.. Yesterday I didn't stop all day, I had a great meeting with my business advisor and now I am full of enthusiasum for getting on with the new business. But I finally made time to actually sit down and make some cards..not for an order but just for fun! I had forgotten how much fun it is to make cards just for the hell of it not because someone has asked you to make one. It was great..I went through my vast collection of stamps and embellishments and found things I didn't even remember buying! I am sure you crafters out there know exactly what I am talking about! I have attached a couple of my creations here for you to have a look at, the backing papers are my own designs from my 'The Funky One' CD rom (available from and the stamps are Hampton arts and inca stamps. I have gone mad with the twinkling H20's on both of these cards which are my current favourites. I can't stop buying them! They are everywhere all over my crafting room! I am not a tidy crafter so really today I should tidy up.. but I might just sit in the garden in this great weather with my laptop and design some more Xmas backing papers for my new CD..though I doubt many winter inspired designs will come to mind.. would anyone be interested in summery xmas designs??? I doubt it! So, best get on with everything..going to Birmngham to visit my parents tonight and then on to visit Ians brother and family in Lyneham for the weekend so I have loads to do to pack.. but the sun is calling me!
Anice x

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