Sunday 9 July 2006

Ahh the end of the world cup..
I don't know about you but this world cup seems to have been on the TV for months even though I know it's only been a few weeks! I thought I would take the opportunity to write here again during the second half whilst Ian is shouting at the TV and generally enjoying himself! What have you been upto today? Something interesting I hope..I have just worked again! I have created a new set of papers for my Christmas CD so that was a positive thing..slowly I am inching towards completing it. I was also looking into craft fairs today..goodness there is alot to think about when you are deciding where to showcase your designs. It will all be worth it in the end I am sure. Tommorrow I think I am going to set aside some time to make some sample cards using my background papers. I haven't just sat down and made cards for ages..just for fun, rather than to fulfil an order. I'm looking forward to it already! I will post anything decent that I come up with here tomorrow, there, that gives me an incentive to get crafting. Not that I really need one! Enjoy your Sunday evening..

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