Phew! the last few weeks, actually the last few months have been really hard work. I never seem to get a moment to just sit and relax day or night! We arrived back from Peterborough and our Ideal World Craft Day show late last night after having other meetings to go to down there, a three odd hour drive home and a stop at Ians parents on the way up to have some Tea with them. When we got back our house alarm was going off. Nothing was amiss in the house so it must have been set off by the earthquake the night before..oh dear I bet our neighbours just loved us!!
I enjoyed my show on Ideal World yesterday but as usual I never have enough time to really show everything on the CDs and my demos have to be done at break neck speed which I find quite a challenge as I'm not a speedy crafter. Hopefully if you caught it yesterday you got a reasonable idea of what the new CD Now that's Funky is all about.
With all this business I have been seriously neglecting showing you the great cards that I have received lately from my wonderful customers. One I just had to share with you is from a lovely young man called Xavier who is only eleven years old and is already making fantastic cards..

I think this is just fab so I wanted to share it with you. He made it using papers from the It's Funky Too cd whilst he was crafting with his Mum Michaela. Thank you so much Xavier for sending me this card when I received it, my day was really brightened.
Recently I have been recieving a number of cards made with my papers from customers and it has made me think about getting a collection together and putting a gallery here so everyone can enjoy them. So if you have made a card with Funky Hand papers that you would like to share, email a picture of it to me on and I will look into pulling something together. I know I would love to see your creations!
Well that's about all my news for today. Speak again soon.