Wednesday, 29 April 2015

One of those cards..

Hi everyone,

The title to this post might not tell you much, but I know you will all understand when I tell you more. Yesterday I had one of those cards that just wouldn't allow me to make it. I'll show you it first then tell you the story..

Backing papers:  Button Babies
Digital Stamp:  Button Baby Boy

I've been planning on making a 'New Baby' card for over a week for our next door neighbours.  They have just had a new baby boy and we had arranged to pop round to meet him last night. So, of course it came to lunchtime yesterday and I realised that all that 'planning' hadn't actually resulted in a card.  Ian told me that he would 'pick one up from the shop'!  Which I could not allow to happen, as next door know I design for a living and I think they would be disappointed if I hadn't even made them a card. (Well, I be ashamed if I hadn't made one more like.)

So, I had to pull together something was fine I mean I have loads of backing papers and digital stamps, I make them, it wasn't going to be a problem.  How wrong I was...

Firstly, I couldn't decide what papers to use, then the printer started playing up and wouldn't take the card I was trying to print on, though it always had before. When I wasn't in a rush of course. Finally I had the papers and I printed the digital stamp, two images just incase.  I started to put the card together and it was going fine, then I realised that the ribbon that I had decided to use was too thick so I started to search for something else in my huge box of ribbon.  I found something, it was perfect but there was only about 4 inches of it and I needed more.  There was no more! Arrgghh!

I took a deep breath, it was going to be fine.  I cut everything to size, started to stick things together and it was going well.  Then I looked at the digital stamps..they were far too big.  So, back to the laptop to resize the images and print them again, but the printer didn't want to!  After rather alot of banging on lids, taking out printer inks and putting them back in, I finally had them printed.

By this time my office was a warzone, the craft box was open, practically filling the whole room, there was paper, card and ribbon everywhere.  The dog was lying under the desk because there was hardly anywhere else for him to fit and the front door opened.  Ian was home.  He then wanted to take the dog out so I had to push everything back into the craft box and close it so he could get all the dog walking stuff out of the office ensuite. Finally he left and I knew I had 45 mins to finish.  Everything was layered and attached all I needed to do was colour the digital stamp.. So, of course this happened..

Aarrgghh!  Luckily I always print two incase of disasters. Where was it? After 10 mins I found it amongst the shoved in papers in the craft box.  I finally finished the card about 20 mins before we were supposed to go to meet little Henry.

The moral of this story is.  If you need to make a card for a specific time, make it days in advance, not a couple of hours. Oh, and they liked the card.

Until next time.
Anice xx


  1. Its a lovely card after all the stress!! Louise x

    1. You are very kind.. it's not the best I've ever made but in the circumstances, It will do. :)


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