Monday, 18 May 2009

Oops! Create & Craft show is off tomorrow.

Just a quick note. I'm afraid I'm not feeling well, some sort of nasty allergic reaction on my legs, so my live show on Create and Craft has been postponed until Tuesday 2nd June at 12 noon instead.

Now I'm off back to the sofa to continue to feel sorry for myself! Hopefully I will be better very soon and I'll be back to share some crafty stuff that I've been working on.

Anice xx


  1. Awww, I am sorry to hear about your legs,
    I hope your better real soon,

  2. oh hunny, hope you have lots of piriton and are feeling better soon xxxx

  3. hope you're feeling better soon...Big Hugs kath xxxx

  4. Oh, i hope you'll be ok, get well soon. Get lots of tea down you, a pack of biscuits and you'll be good in no time xx

  5. That is just typical isnt it, always when you have something important you get something wrong with me its big spots on my face lol...

    I hope that you feel better soon hun, sending you big hugs {{{{ }}}} lots of love Pops x x x

  6. Anonymous9:19 am

    Hope you're feeeling better soon, recieved your word book cd (the day after ordering,which is brilliant) great colour collections, and easy to use. x


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