As usual it has been a mad week here at Funky Hand Towers. I mentioned in my last post that I have been shortlisted for a local business award. Well, yesterday I met two members of the judging panel to talk further about the business. As I'm an online business and just looking at the website was a bit..errr..boring, we thought we should make a bit of an effort to showcase what the business is about.. so here I am just before they arrived with all my wares set out on the kitchen table..

Everything seemed to go pretty well, so we just have to wait and see on the award ceremony night (Friday 3rd April) to see if I did enough to impress them. Of course just being shortlisted is an honor so if I'm not a winner it doesn't really matter, we still get a night out at a fancy do!! Later in the day a film crew came round to take photos to make a video to be played at the face was aching by the end of the day trying to keep smiling..I'm afraid that my bit of the video will just have a grimacing bint staring out at everyone putting them off their drinks!!
After all that excitement Ian thought it would be good time to go a buy me a new mobile phone... I had been talking about getting a new one which I could access the internet on so I can keep on top of emails and the website even if I'm not in the office. I'd been talking about it..but hadn't really thought about actually doing it of course! But Ian is a 'doer' rather than a 'talker' like me so I was wisked off to the local Orange shop to trade in my old trusty phone for a shiny new one, and here it is...

Oh doesn't even have a keyboard everything is done with a little poky stick thing on the screen. Are you getting the impression that I haven't a clue how to use it? Well you'd be right! It's sitting here right now and I think if it rang..I wouldn't know how to answer the thing!! Thankfully my trusty old phone is right by it and my number hasn't been transfered over just yet so all callers are will be the moment. I have the rest of the day to read through the inch thick book that came with it to work out the basics.. the nice chap in the shop made it seem so easy..but don't they always. Oh dear this is the first time I have realised that I am getting old..40 and scared of a new phone! I never thought it would happen to me!! Oh well, best get off and start reading my instruction where is the button to actually switch the thing on?
Speak again soon (but probably not on the mobile phone for a while!!!)
Anice xx