I just never seem to have time to sit down and really get on with making some cards recently so I was really please when I got to make a couple of cards yesterday afternoon using my new papers. I thought I would let you have a look...

The papers are from my new CD
It's Funky Too There have been a few changes here at Funky Hand over the last few weeks, Ian my techie has been freshening up the sites and finally it's all finished! I am really happy with the changes.
On the home front we have been trying to decided what we were going to do at Christmas this year. After much talk we have decided to leave the cold of the UK jump on a plane and head off on a Carribean cruise! I am really looking forward to having Christmas day in hot weather! There is still loads to organise for Christmas though even though we wont be here.. we have to buy and then share presents with friends and families early so that is our focus at the moment. I haven't even started my Christmas cards yet! I have decided on the designs just have to get started! I hope you are more organised than I am..